A few years ago we designed and installed a very large wall artwork to recognise and commemorate organ donation at Medway Maritime Hospital in Kent. Dr Gillian Fargher, Chair of the Organ and Tissue Donation Committee, and also Regional Chair, along with Dr Paul Hayden the Clinical Lead for Organ Donation, wanted to remember every organ and tissue donor. And with a lot of determined effort on their part to overcome some difficult hurdles … the resulting artwork is here!

Behind the Scenes - Medway DNA Artwork

During last summer we were creating this project that includes a 2.5m tall revolving DNA sculpture and accompanying wall artworks to promote clinical research. The installation was originally planned for the end of October but unfortunately because of COVID-19 the artwork was sitting in storage until we were able to travel down to Medway.


Over the last year this daily fight that is COVID-19 has placed huge amounts of stress on our frontline clinical care teams. It is clear that hospitals are desperately trying to provide places of sanctuary, with calming environments and art, to improve wellbeing and thereby relieve the pressures on staff in these difficult times.