15 September 2017 Official Opening Days, Organ Donation Art, Sculpture OFFICIAL UNVEILING – ORGAN DONATION ART FOR THE ROYAL BOURNEMOUTH HOSPITAL 15 September 2017 Official Opening Days, Organ Donation Art, Sculpture ‘A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies’, The Royal Bournemouth Hospital Organ Donation Commemorative artwork was officially unveiled on Friday 8 September, a date specially chosen during Organ Donation Week.
13 September 2017 Work In Progress, Organ Donation Art, Sculpture ORGAN DONATION ART FOR THE ROYAL BOURNEMOUTH HOSPITAL – INSTALLATION OF ‘A KALEIDOSCOPE OF BUTTERFLIES’ 13 September 2017 Work In Progress, Organ Donation Art, Sculpture Installation starts after evening visiting hours and it isn’t until past midnight that we begin to attach each individual butterfly …
12 September 2017 Work In Progress, Organ Donation Art, Sculpture A KALEIDOSCOPE OF BUTTERFLIES 12 September 2017 Work In Progress, Organ Donation Art, Sculpture Progress of our latest organ donation memorial sculpture …
12 June 2017 Work In Progress, Organ Donation Art INITIAL PAPER CUT-OUTS FOR NEW ORGAN DONATION PROJECT – DUE FOR COMPLETION SEPTEMBER 2017 12 June 2017 Work In Progress, Organ Donation Art Here is one of our latest projects in its very beginnings - as paper cut-outs …
12 June 2017 Awards, Organ Donation Art, Wall Art FESPA INTERNATIONAL GOLD AWARD FOR MEDWAY HOSPITAL ORGAN DONATION ARTWORK 12 June 2017 Awards, Organ Donation Art, Wall Art We are immensely proud to have won for the third time at the FESPA International Print Awards and this time we won - GOLD!